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The Hypnotic Hippie

Holistic Wellness Practitioner

Pamela Greene - 623-512-6585

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New Product

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Hippie Gummies

Hippie Gummies are made with our amazing Hippie Juice Elixir and Grass Fed Gelatin which gives these Gummies 18 amino acids and extra protein.
Gummies make it much easier to keep up with your Immune
Booster during travel and
on the run. Also excellent
for children and the elderly.

HIPPIE GUMMIES are 1tsp each and have a total of 45 Gummies in each container. Dosage is 1-3 Gummies for overall health and 1-3 Gummies  3-4 times a day with onsite of symptoms. Dosage depends on the age of the individual. These gummies are for ages 2- Adult

Ingredients: AZ Honey, Organic Elderberries, Onions and Garlic, Cloves, Cinnamon, Ginger, Hibiscus, Grass-Fed Unflavored Gelatin, Distilled Water,
Citrus Acid, MCT Oil, Bees Wax




$25.00 - 45.00

Hippie Juice

NOW WITH ELDERBERRY FOR A POWERFUL IMMUNE BOOST to battle today's respiratory virus's. Hippie Juice is a powerful elixir that stimulates the immune system and known to cure fever, cold, allergies, asthma, nausea, sore throats, coughs and chronic infections. The quercetin in the Onion and Garlic can immediately relax the airway which helps clear congestion and the allicin is a strong antimicrobial which tackles the respiratory infection. Numerous modern studies confirm that Garlic & Onions have definite antibiotic properties and are effective against a wide spectrum of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Onion and Garlic medicinal qualities have been recognized for centuries. The cinnamon and cloves have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Ginger will aid in digestion and reduce nausea along with its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body Honey helps to sooth your throat and excellent for allergies. Hibiscus is loaded with vitamin C to keep your immune system strong..


Ingredients: AZ Honey, Organic Onions, Garlic & Elderberry,
Cloves, Ginger, Cinnamon, Hibiscus & Distilled Water


Gourmet Nut Granola

This is a fabulous soft chewy gourmet nut granola for energizing your body. Research has found that frequently eating nuts lowers levels of inflammation related to heart disease and diabetes. Perfect for men and women who want to enjoy that comfort food without the guilt. Made with Real Maple Syrup, this granola is by far the best you will ever have. Includes the Superfood MACA which is an adaptogen that helps the body find its balance, reduce stress and increase energy.  Loads of Omega's, vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy. Tasty on yogurt, great snack for hiking and can be enjoyed by all ages.

Ingredients: Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Maple Syrup, Banana, Goji Berries, Hemp Hearts, Coconut, Coconut Oil, MACA, Cinnamon, Vanilla


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Seed Cycling Program

This hormone supporting practice is one of the top trending Holistic Programs and for good reason......IT WORKS!
Seed Cycling can be used at any stage of life and is a gentle and completely natural way to balance your hormones. It works by using the lignans in seeds to influence your hormones making any corrections needed within your endocrine system. This 30 day program can be used by women & men and effective for the following ailments.
Women: PCOS, Hot Flashes, Menopause, PMS, Irregular Periods, Infertility, Acne, Low Energy Levels, Adrenal Fatigue

MEN: Erectile Dysfunction, Testosterone Deficiency, Prostate Irregularities such as BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

Ingredients:  Pumpkin, Flax, Sesame, Sunflower Seeds, CAMU CAMU, Baobab, MACA

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Hypnotic Hippie

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